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Didactic Activity

(Update in July 20, 2023)

Teaching courses in the following disciplines: Operating Systems (I), Computational and Simulation Software, Distributed Operating Systems (II), bachelor studies; Famework for SPA applications, master studies.

Management of laboratory works in the disciplines: Operating Systems (I, II), Programming Techniques, Computational and Simulation Software, Numerical Computing, Computational Logic, Web Technologies, Procedural Programming, Computer Science for Public Administration (Faculty of Law, specialization Public Administration), bachelor studies; Famework for SPA applications, master studies.

I am currently a holder of courses in the following disciplines: Operating Systems (I), Computational and Simulation Software, Distributed Operating Systems (II), bachelor studies; Famework for Single Page Application (STIA2), master studies.

I am currently a holder of labs in the following disciplines: Operating Systems (I), Computational and Simulation Software, Distributed Operating Systems (II), Numerical Computing, bachelor studies; Famework for SPA applications, master studies.

I am a bachelor's and master's thesis supervisor  in Informatics field.

Tutorial activities at Bachelor Level.